Monday, January 10, 2011


Plastic surgery has become increasingly popular and accessible in the world today. Still, it’s important that you ask yourself if you’re really a good candidate for cosmetic procedures. A little self-reflection – along with the following criteria – will go a long way when considering plastic surgery.

No. 1: Your Physical Health
There are a number of factors that determine whether or not a patient is a good candidate for plastic surgery. The first consideration is whether or not the patient is healthy enough to undergo the surgery. If you have a shaky medical history, do not respond well to certain types of medication or anesthesia, or have a weak or compromised immune system, plastic surgery might be risky for you. Make sure to discuss your plans for plastic surgery with your primary care physician before proceeding with the surgery. Also, be sure that your plastic surgeon is fully briefed on your medical history before you have your procedure.

No. 2: Being Emotionally Prepared for Plastic Surgery
Being a good candidate for plastic surgery is more complicated that simply being in good physical health. It is important to be emotionally healthy and prepared for the mental effects of the surgery.
Depending on your reasons for undergoing plastic surgery, the procedure and time period afterwards can be an incredibly emotional time. It is important to know that many patients go through a few days of mild depression after plastic surgery. It is also important to be prepared for this and know what to do if the depression does not subside. (If your depression does not subside after three days, contact your physician and plastic surgeon immediately.) Being emotionally prepared for plastic surgery also means being in an emotionally stable place in your life. Sometimes people turn to surgery thinking it will help them through a difficult period in their lives. Getting plastic surgery directly after a traumatic event such as the loss of a loved one or a divorce is often a bad decision.

No. 3 and 4: Being Realistic About Your Goals and Understanding the Risks of Surgery
It is very important that plastic surgery patients to have realistic goals for their bodies. A patient who is 200 pounds overweight will not look like a supermodel the week after bariatric surgery. It can take many years of surgery, physical therapy and proper diet and exercise to completely transform one’s body in such a dramatic way. Furthermore, a complete transformation can require numerous surgeries.
In addition to being realistic about your goals, be sure you understand the risks of your surgery. No matter what kind of surgery you are having, cosmetic or otherwise, there is always risk involved. Be sure to speak frankly with your plastic surgeon about all of the possible outcomes of the surgery, even the negative ones. Being completely informed is the best and healthiest way to enter into this decision.

No. 5: Being Prepared to Follow Your Doctor’s Orders
After plastic surgery, you may be in a very delicate physical state. People who choose to have breast augmentation surgery, for example, must refrain from any rigorous physical activity during their recuperation period. During this period, even light exercise could cause one of the implants to shift or one of the sutures to open. Be sure that you are completely prepared to follow all of your surgeon’s orders during your recuperation period. Be sure that you know how to take care of your body in an ongoing way.

What if I am Not a Good Candidate for Plastic Surgery?
If you are in poor health or, for some reason, your doctor does not feel that you are a good candidate for cosmetic plastic surgery plastic surgery, he or she should tell you so. A doctor who practices with solid medical ethics, and who has your best interests at heart, will not authorize a procedure if it is too risky for you.