Wednesday, February 17, 2010


The "Vi Peel" falls in the category of a "light" peel.  This is a office peel that is safe for all skin types.  There is little down time, and can be used on the face, neck, chest and hands. It will not remove significant wrinkling, but it does help sun damaged skin to include hyper-pigmentary changes. It improves skin tone and texture. The office procedure takes about 30 minutes and creates mild burning which can be controlled with a fan.  The peel contains Trichloracetic Acid, Salicylic Acid, Phenol, Retinoic Acid, & Vitamins.  The peel can be repeated every 2 weeks for severe sun damaged skin or more commonly, every 10-12 weeks for basic maintence.   Make up can be applied over the treated areas in 4-6 hours if needed. You will start the peeling process from day 2-4, which involves a slight sloughing of the skin. Moisturizers are used at this time.  By one week, you may resume your usual skin care products. For a light to intermediate peel, this product seems to be beneficial.