Wednesday, February 5, 2014


HOUSTON, Jan. 29 (UPI) -- Vietnam War veterans who were exposed to the herbicide Agent Orange may be at higher risk for certain types of skin cancer in old age, U.S. researchers say.
Lead author Dr. Mark W. Clemens of The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center and colleagues said the study adds to previous evidence risk of non-melanotic invasive skin cancer could increase even four decades after Agent Orange exposure, with at least some exposed veterans having unusually aggressive non-melanoma skin cancers. During the Vietnam War, Agent Orange was widely used as a herbicide to remove jungle vegetation. It has been linked to a wide range of cancers and other diseases, caused by the toxic dioxin contaminant TCDD."TCDD is among the most carcinogenic compounds ever to undergo widespread use in the environment," Clemens and co-authors said in a statement.