Friday, November 15, 2013


6. “You look great; your husband needs some work.”

Swanson says men usually come to him for a face-lift around age 65, whereas women come in a good 10 years earlier, at age 55. “There’s a difference in tolerance for wrinkles in our society,” Swanson says. Men are told that they look distinguished with crow’s feet, while women hear that they look just plain old. The tipping point for men, Swanson says, is their desire to get rid of the “turkey wattle.”


Boomer men take the Botox plunge

However stealthily, men are having a little work done in increasing numbers these days. Elizabeth O'Brien and dermatologist Dr. David McDaniel explain on Lunch Break. Photo: Shutterstock.

While men represent just 9% of cosmetic procedure patients, they’re increasingly getting a little work done these days, according to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons. Total cosmetic procedures for men rose 22% from 2000 through 2012, according to the society. Minimally invasive procedures in particular have soared, with botulinum toxin treatments up 314% during that time. Some men are getting injections to look younger on the job, while others are getting treatments to keep up with their younger girlfriends, plastic surgeons and dermatologist report.